Walker Learning Approach
At St Joseph's School we base our learning pedagogy around the Walker Learning Approach.
Teaching and learning in the 21st century requires recognition that successful education needs to provide a set of fundamental skills that are transferable and adaptable to whatever the future holds.
In order to learn how to learn, children need to be provided with a solid foundation of skill acquisition and to develop a range of thinking and research abilities.
The Walker Learning Approach (WLA) encompasses a range of teaching and learning principles to deliver quality, personalised learning with a high level of student engagement.
The WLA ensures that Australian Curriculum obligations are maintained and enhanced through effective teaching and learning strategies. It engages students and provides greater ownership and choices for them in their learning. This approach effectively supports our school philosophy and reflects our mission, enabling the students to become 'creative learners in this ever changing world'.
As educators, we aim to provide learning environments that offer lots of practice in how to make decisions, initiate ideas, persist, find out, try again, take risks, explore and research in a range of ways that relate to children's own interests.
Learning Expo
Every term the Years 3-7 students host a Learning Expo in the Hall.
This is an opportunity for the students to showcase their learning throughout the term with their Educational Research Projects (ERP).
Student's ERP presentations range from posters, videos, models ad digital presentations - just to name a few! The opportunity for creativity is endless.
Dates and times for each Expo are advertised in our fortnightly Newsletter and on our Facebook page.
*Please note that due to recent COVID-19 restrictions in 2020, our Learning Expo was unable to occur, we hope that in 2021 we will be able to resume these wonderful events*