Transition Program

Transition to Reception



Our Transition program for new Reception children occurs weekly on Thursdays over a 5 week period at the end of Terms 2 and 4 (Whichever term immediately precedes commencement of formal schooling. Students immerse themselves in the R/1 classroom each week to familiarise themselves with the school environment, their teacher and classmates. The time spent at school each day gradually increases so as to ease the children into a full school day experience. Please see below for frequently asked questions about our Reception Transition Program. 

When does my child come for 'transition'?

You child will commence transition in the term preceding their formal start to schooling (Term 2 for a mid-year start or Term 4 for a Term 1 start the following year). Please see below for Weeks and times that your child will attend for their 5 week transition program.

  • Thursday, Week 5: 9:00am – 10:40am (start of recess - bring a water bottle)
  • Thursday, Week 6: 9:00am – 11:00am (end of recess - bring recess and a water bottle)
  • Thursday, Week 7: 9:00am – 1:00pm (start of lunch - bring recess, a water bottle & a piece of Fruit for fruit time)
  • Thursday, Week 8: 9:00am – 1.40pm (end of lunch - bring recess, lunch, a water bottle & a piece of Fruit)
  • Thursday, Week 9: 9:00am – 3.20pm (end of day - bring recess, lunch, a water bottle & a piece of Fruit)

Does my child have to wear the school uniform for transition?

No. Most parents may not have bought the uniform yet, but if you have and your child would like to wear it that is fine. 

Do I have to, or can I, stay?

No, you don't have to. Your child will be going into a very welcoming classroom. If your child is upset, you might like to remain, but it is best if you can try and 'get away' if you can. Sometimes little ones can be a bit upset, or even reasonably distressed at the 'point of separation' but they usually settle down shortly after parents leave. We do just ask you to be back on time, to collect your child.

Do I have to worry about what my child can and cannot do - eg. Read or write their name, etc.?

No. The children are coming just to get familiar with some of the people and the surroundings - the toilets, the playground, the drinking taps, etc. They will do some simple activities and the teacher will be able to learn a little about where your child is 'at', but these sessions will be fun and interactive to ensure that it is a positive experience for your child.

How can I keep up to date with what is happening at school?

If you have specific questions about your child progress you are encouraged to make contact with your child’s teacher. You can keep up to date with what is happening in our school by reading our Newsletters and ‘liking’ us on Facebook. Our Facebook page is regularly updated with useful information, photos, videos, etc. To ‘like’ us on Facebook simply click on the following link or type it into your web browser Our school is also able to send you an SMS message to remind you of important events.

Transition to Middle School



Each year during Term 4 our Year 6 students will participate in a transition program to familiarise themselves with the different aspects of secondary schooling even though they remain within the same school site. Students will engage in leadership activities and will be supported by their secondary peers during the transition process. 

Any students transitioning from other schools will be encouraged to join us for these days with dates set later in the year. We will communicate with new families and support their child in the transition process. 

Transition to Senior Secondary School

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For students transitioning to Year 10, we will communicate with the school of your choice to ensure a smooth transition for your child into Senior Secondary School.

Locally, students can attend Peterborough High School. We also have a supported pathway to St Mark's College in Port Pirie. 

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