Health and Physical Education

Physical Education
Students have access to a specialist Physical Education teacher as part of their PE lessons each week.
Junior Primary students are taught many skill-based movements, involving fine and gross motor skills as well as body and spatial awareness, which they can transfer over to competitive sport as they grow older.
The Middle & Upper primary students are exposed to a wide range of sports including:
- Ball sports (basketball, netball, soccer, touch football and Australian Rules)
- Striking sports (golf, cricket, tennis and t-ball)
- Athletic events (shot put, discus, high jump, long jump and running)

Sports Day
One of the highlights within our school community each year is Sports Day.
The day gives our whole school community the opportunity to come together to participate in a variety of traditional and fun athletic events. All students participate in marching, health hustle and team events.
There is food and drink available on the day and families and friends are encouraged to come along and enjoy the festivities.
Sports Day is a twilight event running from 12pm to approximately 5pm. It is held towards the end of Term 1 and typically on a Friday.
2021 Sports Day is planned for Friday 26th March.
South Australian Catholic Primary Schools Sport Association (SACPSSA)
Our school is also involved in SACPPSA sporting events throughout the year. Participation is dependent on other school events and student interest.
Each year Year 4-7 students can attend the Athletics carnival held at Santos Stadium in November. Selection is generally based on students performance, achievement and participation in our school sports day.
Other sporting events include:
- Swimming
- Netball
- Cricket
- Cross Country
Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum
An important part of students' learning is their participation in the Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum.
This is taught in conjunction with the Health Curriculum each year. This curriculum area involves specialised training that all teachers complete.
This specialised curriculum teaches children and young people to recognise abuse, tell a trusted adult, understand what is appropriate and inappropriate touching and ways to keep themselves safe.
Parents are notified of specific topics when they are coming up in the curriculum and any questions you may have can be directed to the classroom teachers.