When Can My Child Start School?


When can my child start school?

Our school has TWO intakes into Reception each year (Term 1 and Term 3).

Please see the relevant dates for new Receptions. You can use the enrolment calculator below to also check when your child can begin school.

  • If your child turns 5 on or before the 30th April they can start school in Term 1 of that year.
  • If your child turns 5 on or before the 31st October they can start school in Term 3 of that year. 
  • Children starting Reception in Term 3 will have a minimum of 6 terms in Reception.
  • Children whose birthday falls between 1st November and 31st December are not eligible to commence school before the following year. 

If you have any questions regarding enrolling your child and/or starting dates, please contact the school and we will happily help you. 

The enrolment calculator will help you work out the year your child will commence in each year level of their schooling by entering the year of their birth.

Be aware this calculator is based on students commencing Reception in the year they turn 5. Students born after April 30 commence in Reception the following year.