Religious Education
Our Religious Education (RE) curriculum is based on the Crossways Religious Education Framework for SA Catholic Schools.
During classroom RE lessons, our students engage with contemporary Catholic teaching, scripture and resources, which help them relate Jesus' mission to their own lives and personal experiences.
Sacred moments offer us time for reflection and prayer. Through daily prayer experiences and regular Liturgy involvement, students are invited to deepen their faith and relationship with God and each other. Parents and families are encouraged to attend and participate in liturgical celebrations.
The Sacraments of Reconciliation, First Eucharist and Confirmation, are prepared for and celebrated in the St Anacletus Parish Church. The Sacramental program runs every second year, students and their parent/s then embark on a preparation meeting and workshops leading up to the celebrations. The sacramental journey is supported by the classroom RE program and is acknowledged by the whole school community.
Social Justice
At St Joseph's School we are committed to helping our students realise their responsibility to work for peace and justice - helping those in need, both in Australia and overseas.
We support:
- Caritas Australia - Project Compassion
- Mission Australia - World Mission Month
- Catholic Charities
- Other communities, organisations and individuals as the need arises
Students and families are encouraged to participate in these fundraising activities which are designed to raise both funds and an awareness of the needs of others.