
Not only will the school reap the benefits of your involvement - you will, too.

Volunteers offer a huge resource and support base to our school community, while also showing children the importance of participating in the community at large. 

There are many informal and formal ways that parents, grandparents, parishioners and carers can be involved in the school community. 


Helping with the Learning Assistance Program

One way to volunteer is by being a Learning Assistance Program (LAP) helper. 

LAP provides individual care, enrichment, extension or support to students from Reception to Year 9.

At St Joseph's our LAP volunteers are utilised to listen to children read. If you have other interests or talents that you would like to share with students please do not hesitate to let us know!


Volunteer Requirements

Volunteer Requirements

St Joseph's School is responsible in ensuring that all volunteers are properly trained and accredited, as the safety and wellbeing of our children is paramount.

Becoming a volunteer at St Joseph's School consists of the following steps:

  1. Complete the Mandatory Child Protection training “Responding to Abuse and Neglect
  2. Obtain a WWCC (Working with Children Check), as required by Catholic Education and in accordance with the Child Protection Guidelines.
  3. Participate in our Induction Course
  4. RAN Training for Volunteers

Don’t feel overwhelmed! Our Front Office staff are happy to assist you in obtaining what’s required to become a volunteer at St Joseph's School.

Please visit our Front Office, call 8651 8100 or email info@stjopet.catholic.edu.au

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